RHA welcomes DfT truckstop report

Posted on 16th November 2011 By Charlotte Haye

The Road Haulage Association (RHA) has welcomed the publication of an extensive survey of truck stop provision across England carried out by the Department for Transport.

“The report advances ministers’ clear and specific commitments to progress,” says RHA infrastructure manager Chrys Rampley. “It will help to break down current barriers hampering development of truckstops and promote the adoption of an EU-wide scheme for identifying standards for lorry parking facilities and security.”

“It would have been helpful for the report to have shown different grades of truck parking: areas of ground with poor surfaces; sites with proper hard standing; and secure parking. But the report does move the parking issue forward.

“The report shows that, at regional and local level, average use masks specific areas of high demand that can cause problems, particularly in the East and South East of the country.

“Lack of parking facilities is inhibiting the efficient carriage of goods and increasing the risk of drivers being involved in an accident. The lack of secure facilities also means that drivers and their loads are also at greater risk of crime, as high value loads have to be parked at the roadside.

“Truck drivers make essential daily deliveries of goods that are used both by industry and the general public. They are legally required to take scheduled breaks, and also bear the responsibility for the loads safety and security.

“After a full day’s work, drivers deserve the basic facilities of a shower and hot meal with the knowledge that their truck is parked securely. If a facility is not available, then drivers must stop where they can and this is not always acceptable to the local population and other road users.

“There are no easy, quick-fix solutions but the report points to clear and specific commitments to progress,” Rampley says.

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